We Build Skills


Visionary Leader Coaching

“It is lonely at the top” is a common phrase for organizational leaders, and it’s apt: there is a deep feeling of isolation for chief executives. They feel alone in the hierarchy of position, confidentiality, camaraderie, and experience – at the summit of their organizations. However, loneliness is only half of the story. They also experience a sense of claustrophobia that comes from the encroaching pressure of external factors – boards, partners, elected officials, politics, and public opinion.

The result is that organizational leaders face the dual challenges of managing external pressures while steering their organizations through the internal isolation that leaves them without a peer support network. We call this combined experience Claustrophobic Isolation. 

Wildfire Strategies offers Visionary Leader Coaching: an immersive, bespoke coaching solution for organizational leaders who must, in relative solitude, shoulder the responsibility of making big strategic decisions to deliver sustainable growth in increasingly complicated landscapes. 

During the six-month Visionary Leader Coaching engagement, we pair the leader with one of our most experienced senior coaches in a process that will be tailored to suit their needs and schedule. The service includes:

• Complete Confidentiality – Guaranteed; period.
• Immersive Retreats
• Flexible Coaching Hours
• Deep Exploration

EXPERIENCE great leadership

Coaching for Leadership

Who do you turn to when there are tough choices to make, a difficult conversation to have, or complicated reporting lines to navigate? Who helps you sort through the concerns that keep you up at night? As a top leader in your organization, you may have few trusted allies with whom to explore complex issues and even less time to think about them.

A Wildfire Strategies coach provides a confidential relationship to help leaders develop and improve communications with their teams, enhance relationships and role clarity, improve decision-making and delegation, and leverage their strengths to enhance both performance and job satisfaction.

be a better version of yourself

The Coach Is In™

The Coach Is In™ is a targeted 25-minute, confidential coaching session that helps you get unstuck, dive into a work or life issue, gain clarity, and identify actionable next steps.

Developed for incubators, start-ups, and tenants in co-working spaces, it can help workers who are encountering emergent issues, like pitching to a challenging client. While working with the coach, the participant will feel a sense of support, connection, and trust. And they will have a more clear path forward, bringing them relief and confidence in their future work.


The Challenge

You have inherited a team or department burdened with a lot of old baggage. Wounds from long-standing conflicts and resentments fester. Perhaps they’ve been made worse by a prior leadership vacuum and lack of ongoing professional development. You have a mess on your hands. You have ambitious goals for this team, and want to bring healthy change, but you know some repair and healing need to happen first.

The Team Healing Process

The Work

Wildfire partners with leaders of challenged departments to help them heal these old schisms. Together we listen, reflect back deep concerns and rebuild trust.

We facilitate the creation of a healthy team culture, and give members the chance to make peace with the past and move forward. This work takes time. It requires a commitment and authentic engagement from leadership.

When you complete this work, you will have cleared old wounds and instilled shared ownership in the path forward toward new goals. The results are transformational. Then you can then truly get down to the business at hand.