How we clear roadblocks
There’s no shortage of large-scale change happening in organizations- mergers, new technology, sustainable practices, and strategy implementation, to name a few- and they are occurring in ever faster and more complex ways. When people aren’t ready for these changes, they either proceed with grindingly slow inefficiency or they don’t happen at all. These results are costly.
Readiness for Change TM is a process that helps organizations, teams, and leaders understand what might get in the way of successful change and put processes and structures in place to ensure that they’re ready.
You have inherited a team or department burdened with a lot of old baggage. Wounds from long-standing conflicts and resentments fester. Perhaps they’ve been made worse by a prior leadership vacuum and lack of ongoing professional development.
The Team Healing TM process helps mend ruptured relationships and build an atmosphere of trust, respect, and psychological safety, which are essential to achieving your goals.
The Challenge
There are so many forces shaping the industries we work with: regulation, technology, mergers, disintermediation, and others. Without clarity on strategy, it’s easy to get off track during these times of change, or paralyzed into inaction that leaves you behind.
The Work
As expert coaches, we clear a space for you to explore, think through, and go deeper. We help you get to the core of what matters, so you can get back to moving mountains.
We are here to listen. Deeply.
Listening sounds like a simple act, but done right it is the profound difference between business as usual and powerful change that benefits your customers, stakeholders, colleagues and yourself.
Our approach to coaching gets you back to your wisdom and the clarity it provides. Once you can see the issues clearly, you operate from a place of confidence in your decisions and actions.
The work we do together provides you with greater vision, better connection with your teams, and relationships that achieve results.